Wydawnictwo Akademii Kultury Społecznej i Medialnej

o mediach, polityce, filozofii i historii

Fides Ratio et Patria

Principles of editing and reviewing texts

Publishing instruction

Complete and early unpublished texts sent to the Editorial Office, please prepare the materials for production
Texts should be sent to the editorial office’s e-mail address – frep@aksim.edu.pl – in a text file (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .odt).

Format the text

  • Times New Roman, size 12, in the footnote – size 10;
  • a margin of 2.5 cm;
  • line spacing (line spacing) 1.5;
  • justified text (aligned to the left and plot margins);
  • pages numbered in the lower corner with Arabic numerals;
  • black font color;
  • character spacing – time, 0 points;
  • paragraphs – indent 1.25 cm.

The length of the article should not exceed two publishing sheets (approx. 80,000 characters including spaces), reviews – approx. 5 A4 pages (max. 15,000 characters including spaces).

The message is sent to the text
  • summaries in Polish and English, about half a page of the printout (800-1500 characters with spaces) and a short biographical note about the author, containing information about the author’s interests, publications to date, etc.;
  • full bibliography of monographs, articles and websites used in the center’s articles, with discussions, name and title of work and place, e.g. Kowalski Jan, Inception of „Solidarnosc”, Gdansk 2008;

First page
  • in the case of an article, the name and surname of the author and the name of the institution or city should appear in the upper left corner;
  • in the case of a review article, the first element in the text should be bibliographic information about the book under review: first name (expanded) and surname of the author of the reviewed work, full title according to the title page (when the review concerns a collective work or source edition, the title is followed by the full names and surnames of the editors or publishers; if the work is multi-volume – the number of volumes or parts in Arabic numerals, place and year of publication, name of the publisher, number of pages, or the name of the publishing series; put under the review content;

Formal text page - Proper text

  • year – write y [with a space], use abbreviated entries, e.g. on May 10 this year; in July this year;
  • Dates in the text – for example the 18th of May, 1980. Dates are joined with a connecting rest (half-pause): 1945–1947. We do not use a hyphen (-);
  • in the text [unless a quote]% – we write the percentage in words;
  • we do not use the notation, e.g. the 1980s – but the 1980s;
  • we do not use the record of the 2nd half of the the eighties but the second half of the eighties;
  • brackets / /, we replace in the text with ();
  • first in the text we insert the footnote number, and then a period;
  • digits, numbers – in words, if it can be written in one word, e.g. two, but not forty-eight;
  • we use dictionary abbreviations, such as: hours, kg, ha, km, sq km, cubic meters, general, colonel, captain, prof. ., i.e., e.g., etc;
  • in dependent cases we apply the following entry: Col. (= colonel), PhD (= doctor);
  • in the case of abbreviations – the first time we give the full name, then – possibly an abbreviation. In the case of commonly known names (e.g. PRL, USSR, PPR, PZPR), abbreviations may be used without expanding them at the first appearance;
  • Foreign words and expressions used in the Polish text should be written in italics, e.g. sui generis, last but not least, ancien regime.
Quotations and Source Texts
  • dates in source texts, e.g. 4.02. 1980 is changed to February 4, 1980 [do not put any dots], if the date is incomplete, e.g. June 25, June 1999, the month is written in words: June 25, in June 1999;
  • we use square brackets in quotes […];
  • if there are quotation marks in the quoted text, we denote them as follows >> <<;
  • quotes from sources and literature on the subject are given in quotation marks, if they are short and contained in a block of text. If they are long and separated (from a paragraph), we mark them in italics;
  • brackets / /, we replace in the text with ();

Titles and names
  • the title of a book, an article, for example, in the text should be marked with quotation marks, for example, Captive mind, article: Workers took to the streets. Only in footnotes are the titles of printed works in italics; names of legal acts are given without quotation marks, in antiquity, e.g. the Act on the Volunteer Reserve of Citizens’ Militia of June 13, 1967; names of exhibitions, conferences, sessions – in quotation marks, antiquities – scientific conference „The Roots of Solidarity”.

We use the notation ibid., etc. – italics. Due to the large variety of literature, as well as the fact that (the same authors) frequently use many items of the same authorship, let us use the following notation:
  • Initial and surname, title abbreviation …, e.g. J. Olaszek, Anti-Solidarność propaganda, p. 32;
  • let us not use „Dz. quoted „;
  • title of the article, book always – in italics, e.g. M. Kietlinski, Kalendarium, p. 41;
  • we do not use an ellipsis after the abbreviation of the title;
  • a record, when we are dealing with a multi-volume publication, after the title, we mark the volume, e.g. J. Olaszek, Anti-Solidarity propaganda of the authorities of the Polish People’s Republic, in: NSZZ Solidarnosc 1980-1989. Wokół „Solidarności”, vol. 7, edited by Ł. Kamiński, G.Waligora, Warsaw 2010, pp. 167-236;
  • in footnotes, we should not use the notation with publishing. The title is followed by the place of publication and the year, e.g. Torun 2011;
  • we use abbreviations: see, cf., quoted after:;
  • write the dates as follows, for example, June 15, 1980 (we do not put any dots between the month and the year);
  • We mark the files from the Institute of National Remembrance in the footnotes of the AIPN, along with the description of the branch, e.g. AIPN By, then in the quotation of source materials we give the reference number with a comma, e.g. AIPN BY, 001/243, title [normally – no italics], date, card number;
  • if we cite an article from a collective work, we do not put a comma in front of the w:
  • in daily newspapers we use the wording, for example, „Rzeczpospolita” 7 VII 2010, e.g. A. Kaczynski, Purification of memory, „Rzeczpospolita”, 19 May 2000, p;
  • in weekly magazines (and further), first the year without a comma, and then (after a decimal) no., e.g. „Politics” 2010, no. 49, e.g. W. Wladyka, Workers took the streets, „Politics” 2001, no. 26, p. ;
  • the order of the elements of the biography: name and surname, pseudonyms, assumed surnames, nicknames, dates of life (in brackets), other biography information, e.g. Leszek Dlouchy (born 1953), graduate of the Wroclaw University of Technology. In the seventies he moved to Szczecin. At the beginning of the 1980s, an engineer for fuel and lubrication management at the Gryfia Shipyard. In August 1980, he was the press spokesman of the Inter-Enterprise Strike Committee and the first editor-in-chief of the Solidarity weekly „Jednosc”;
  • citing an Internet source, the entire website address should be provided along with the date of access, e.g. M. Latkowska, A. Borowski, Jacek Kuron, http://www.encyklopedia-solidarnosci.pl/wiki/index.php?title=Jacek_Kuro % C5% 84 [access: 5 Aug 2014];
  • in foreign-language footnotes we use transcription or transliteration (one form).

Charts and tables
  • charts and tables included in articles should be pasted into the text file in the place where they are to be included in the publication;
  • the number and title should be placed above the chart or table, source – below, in italics, Times New Roman, size 9 or 10, consistently throughout the text;
  • the text contained in the table, axis description and values ​​on the chart should be written in Times New Roman 9 or 10 size, consistently throughout the text.

  • drawings, photos, tables, photocopies, maps, charts, structural formulas should be provided in the form of graphic files, the text should contain precise information on where they are to be located;
  • all pictures should contain the name of the author, the source they come from, and the name of the institution that provided them;
  • description of the illustration (figure number, title, source) should be written in italics, Times New Roman, size 9 or 10, consistently throughout the text;
  • in the main text, the following distinctions can be used: italics for the titles of publications and foreign expressions, bold and subtitles. The distinctions should be used consistently throughout the text, do not distinguish between different categories of text elements in the same way;
  • do not include any formatting elements, such as header and footer, or page breaks in uploaded files;
  • commas, periods, exclamation marks, question marks, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, footnotes should not be separated by a space from the word preceding them.

Criteria for reviewing scientific articles

The course of the review
Submitted for publication in the journal FIDES, RATIO ET PATRIA. STUDIA TORUŃSKIE, articles, sources and reviews may not be published in any form or submitted for publication in any other editorial office. The submitted texts are assessed by the editors and qualified for publication. Each article is reviewed by two internal reviewers. Authors and reviewers do not know each other’s identities. Additionally, each volume is reviewed by two more reviewers. In special cases – external reviewers are appointed. The evaluation criteria are available on the website, as is the list of reviewers.

Reviewers use the following criteria to evaluate the article
  • Title-to-content compliance.
  • Match the abstract and keywords of the article with its content.
  • Substantive value of the work.
  • Proper understanding of the work structure.
  • Correctness of the used scientific terminology.
  • Proper formulation of final conclusions.
  • The correctness of citing the literature.
  • The article is ready for printing.

The author is then informed about the acceptance or rejection of the text, as well as about the instructions for making any necessary corrections. Upon completion of editorial work, the author receives the text for approval. The editorial office reserves the right to publish the text of the article, source or review on the website or its abstract in Polish or English.

Editors introduce time limits for the publication of reviewed books. Polish-language books cannot be older than 2 years from the year of publishing „FIDES, RATIO ET PATRIA. TORUN STUDIES„. Foreign-language books are not older than 4 years.

The editorial office reserves the right to shorten and edit the published texts.

The scanned review template is attached.